Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A world apart

I have always hated her, her smile, these face starting at me, is like I am looking at my self. Why do I always have to be the burden, the unnoticed, the curse, feels left out, work twice as hard just to catch up with her; It was as if she was one step ahead of me. I wish she was never born, I wish she would just disappear, and never been born, because of her I am consider the “uninvited.” She was me, her pain was my pain, l suffered because of her, when she smile I cry, when I simile she cry. Why can’t I learned to love her, she was me after all, am I jealous of her, or is it because I never get them to notice me, and my pain. She was the ideal child, smart, pretty, and good at every thing. In my household there is room for only one child the “perfect child” if you are not perfect, you are an outcast or useless. She was the center of attention, her future was planed out for her, her expectation was very high and she was the most gifted one. She was in my spotlight, and I wanted her gone. Finally------------ she was gone, gone for good. My pain was ease, my ease was pain, she was my blood, she was my twin, same wound, but different world.

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