Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shattered Dreams

That smile that lighten up a room,
Those eyes that shine through the dark,
Oh how she wonder of what will come,
When her prince become of age.
So many dreams,
So many ideas stuffed in this little head,
Being overwhelmed of the expense.
Dress like this, talk like that, eat this,
Read that, how long can it last.
This pressure to become something so big,
Someone so successful, would they ever give up
Of trying to mold me into their dreams?
How I hate this life, wishing to be free, but can’t bare the pain
I will put them through.
Should I care, do they care?
Do they even see me or see only a tool?
It doesn’t matter,
This is what is happening, what is becoming of their prince.
The rebelling has begun,
I am finished, I am a junkie.
Their dreams have become shattered.

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