Tuesday, November 25, 2008


HELLO all my twilight fans. I was very excited of Twilight the movie, but some people was not please. Others don't like the movie at all, they said it stinks, and Edward was very UGLY. I love Edward in the movie. At the beginning he kind of look ugly, but as the movie continue he look way cute. I am just going to say that if you are a twilight fans and you don't like the movie that's OK, but remember that the movie director pick the best person he feels have all the quality of Edward. So if you have not yet watch the movie i think you should go watch it now because it's a very good movie.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Discrimination is every where. Every where you go, you see races. Races is even in my school. Let me tell you an interesting story. one day i was waking with my friends, so this guy came up to me and said "Hay! go back to you country we don't need you here, because of your can- Do you even have a paper why don't you go back to your dirty country and leave my country, know one will want to data a dark ugly African girl like you any way"s. "you are pretending to be a white smart girl, even through you are not, you came here and took our education. Go Back Home, you don't belongs here." OK, When he said that, i felt very shock, and very angry. I was so mad, that i wanted to hit him, but i hold my head up high. I told him "America is a free country, it have more than 100 different culture and people form different places". "Don't start calling me names. I may be dark but i am pride of where i came from and i am pride of my skin color. UN like you, you feel insecure because i am better than you, and i am smarter than you". "It is not my fault that you don't want to make better use of the education that is given to you. This was not the first times i have been called names, but this was the first time i saw pain in the eyes of my predator. i know i cannot change the way a person feel, but i can change the way they think of me in a races way. Just because i am dark skin and i was born in Africa, that dose not mean i don't deserved respect as others, and people see me and assume that i am a stupid girl because i came from Africa. I am sick of others people calling me races names and judging me. I am just like other human being. I have feelings as every other people. I have seen lots of other foreigners another than African, being called names. When i see things like that happen i feel so sick, sometimes i do the right thing, and sometimes i don't want to get my self involved in it, because i know how it feel being make fun of and i know how it feels when others are just walking way or supporting the bulling going on. Races discrimination is command in the US, also in other countries. I have been to so many countries, i am use to the discrimination and names calling, but sometimes i wish i was born in a different body, or was a different person. I think to my self and say, "if i was not black, and you not born in Africa, if i was a white or a tan person, would i be decremented, or would people see me differently". "why can't i live with out others calling me names because of my skin color and where i came from". sometimes i sit and think to my self "i should except who i am and where i came form, and should be proud of my skin color and my country because everyone is made differently, and i should not be put down because of other people thinking and beliefs. But Names calling should be stop, people should not be made fun of because they are different.

Monday, November 3, 2008

HiGh ScHooL

High school can be fun and also can be tempting. It all depends on how you make it. People think when you stated high school, your life is over. My parent told me to behave very well in school, do my best and don't get into trouble. I should always have a good grade and be the best student they expect from me. Some times i would sit down i wounder if this is really happen. When you are in high school, you have to be prepaid for all can of change. you have to forces and at the same time having fun. In high school you get a lot of home work and project. You get homework everyday. If you are willing to join a sport you have to be commented and at the same time keeping your grade up.

If you are in high school, you have to know the kind the people you are hinging around. If you get in with the wrong crowed, they will lead you to a wrong decision. My parent always tell me to go to school learn and go to collage. don't get mix up with the wrong people. I have seen a lot of people drop out of high school because they make the wrong decision. I may tell you this if you drop out, all your dreams and goal are gone. You will be getting paid $9. Everyone want their child to be a better person in life.
I have seen a pregnant teen before. OK the first thing that came to mind yours judgement. i know judging someone is bad, but if under certain consequences you will have to Jude them. When i first saw the girl, I did not thought bad about her, but i said "what is a young girl, who is stile doing in high school pregnant". She have spoil her life. you cannot be looking like that and expect good collage to except you. High school is a temptation make it a decision.